An all-women's parkour action film directed and produced by Renae Dambly and Lisa Schneider. This film follows 8 professional parkour athletes as they travel together across three European countries. The film tells the story of the relationships we have with movement and each other.
Created by Renae Dambly alongside Hannah Shi. Spot Destroyer is a scavenger hunt themed parkour jam with a skills competition designed to encourage outdoor training and community building for all levels.
Renae joined the team of RedBull Germany and Mischfabrik as a stunt coordinator to help create the parkour sequences for their Youtube Video 'What Happens When a Freerunner Loses His Phone w/ Jason Paul'
I participated in the first and third seasons of the SAT-1 TV show Catch! as a parkour athlete. We were teams of celebrities and athletes from various backgrounds competing against each other in fun 'playground' games.